Responding to Problem Gamblers in the Venue: Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Challenges for Hospitality Staff
Av: Hing, N. & Nuske, E.
Publicerad: 2012
Kategorier: Utbildning för personal och ombud
In this article the authors explore the challenges experienced by gaming venue employees in Queensland Australia in responding to patrons with gambling problems. Forty-eight in-depth interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Challenges identified include embarrassment for both staff and patrons, emotional labor for employees, difficulties in identifying problem gamblers, and concerns about invading the patron’s privacy, losing the patron’s business, getting in trouble with their manager, and receiving an angry patron response. Aligning their responsible gambling obligations with the expectations of management, patrons, significant others, and their own capabilities can potentially cause substantial role conflict and role ambiguity for frontline venue staff.