Maintaining and losing control during internet gambling: A qualitative study of gamblers’ experiences
Av: Hing, N., Cherney, L., Gainsbury, S., Lubman, D., Wood, R. & Blaszczynski, A.
Publicerad: 2015
Kategorier: Spelmiljöns betydelse
This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the psycho-social factors and processes related to maintaining and losing control during Internet gambling. It explores features of Internet gambling leading to loss of control, control strategies used by Internet gamblers, and perceived utility of online responsible gambling measures. Interviews with 25 moderate risk and problem Internet gamblers yielded rich first person accounts analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis.
The most frequently identified aspects of Internet gambling leading to impaired control were use of digital money, access to credit, lack of scrutiny and ready accessibility. Participants used a range of self-limiting strategies with variable success. Most considered that more comprehensive responsible gambling measures are required of Internet gambling operators. The findings provide insights into the cognitive and behavioural processes that moderate problem gambling and are highly relevant in developing effective prevention and treatment programs for this new interactive mode of gambling.