Wagering Advertisements and Inducements: Exposure and Perceived Influence on Betting Behaviour

A proliferation of wagering advertising has raised concerns about its effects, especially on vulnerable gamblers. This study examined exposure to wagering advertisements and inducements, and their reported influence on the size, frequency and riskiness of bets placed—amongst regular bettors and by gambler risk group.

Markedsføringens effekt på spilling av pengespill og pengespillproblemer

Rambøll Management Consulting (Rambøll) har på oppdrag for Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet undersøkt markedsføringens effekt på spilling av pengespill og på pengespillproblemer. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført i perioden februar 2017 til februar 2018.

Self‑Reported Negative Infuence of Gambling Advertising in a Swedish Population‑Based Sample

This study investigated the negative influence of gambling advertising, that is, gambling more often or for more money than intended. We analyzed data from wave four of the Swedish Longitudinal Gambling Study (Swelogs), in which the self-perceived negative influence of gambling advertising was measured by responses to three survey questions.

Temptation and prevention provided by the gambling industry: Main and interactive effects on gamblers

Our study investigates the effects of pro versus anti-gambling messages funded by the gambling industry.

Marketing of Sports Betting and Racing

In the context of increased marketing activity associated with the expansion of the sports and race betting (wagering) industry, the study aimed to explore the impact of this marketing on gambling behaviour and intention among Australians, particularly on specific population subgroups: regular bettors, non-regular bettors, problem gamblers and adolescents.